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2024/10 : Group Dinner
We had a group dinner with our lab's APWS 2024 participants!

2024/10 : Conference
MHeat Lab attended the 11th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors (APWS 2024). (Busan, Korea, Oct. 2024) Thermal Conductivity...

2024/10 : ASME InterPACK 2024
Prof. Cho at the ASME InterPACK 2024 with Stanford NanoHeat Alumni: (Left to Right) Prof. Chirag Kharangate (Case Western Univ.), Prof....

2024/09 : Award (Outstanding Paper Award)
Congratulations to Jihyun, Jongwon and Prof. Cho for receiving the “Outstanding Paper Award” at the 31st Korean Conference on...

2024/08 : Invited Seminar (Prof. Sangyeop Lee)
Prof. Sangyeop Lee at the Univ. of Pittsburgh visited our lab and gave an invited talk, titled "Thermal Transport Simulation from First...

2024/07 : New Paper
A new paper based on a recent work by Jihyun, Sung Il, Jongwon, Dongyun, and Prof. Cho is published in Acta Materialia (title:...

2024/07 : Invited Seminar (Prof. Sukwon Choi, Penn State)
Prof. Sukwon Choi at the Pennsylvania State Univ. visited our lab and gave an invited talk, titled "Channel temperature measurement of...

2024/03-10 : New Grant (현대자동차그룹 미래기술연구과제)
MHeat Lab receives research funding from the Hyundai Motor Group (현대자동차그룹 미래기술연구과제). Topic: Thermal property measurement of...

2024/07 : New Paper
A new paper based on a recent work by Jongwon, Junyoung, and Prof. Cho is published in International Communications in Heat and Mass...

2024/06 : Award (성공(成工) Young-Fellowship)
Big Congrats to Prof. Cho for receiving “성공(成工) Young-Fellowship” from SKKU College of Engineering.

2024/06 : Welcome
Eungu Kang, Jinmin An, Jaehyeong Yu, and Hyeonho Jeong joined MHeat Lab as Co-op students!
2024/05 : Event
MHeat Lab had a delightful time with Prof. Cho on the occasion of Teacher's Day. We are grateful for his guidance and support. Happy...

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